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Flourishing Ideas

Flower care is an essential requirement to make your flowers last longer. Flowers are beautiful creatures that we can use on a variety of occasions. These make every event special and wonderful. Follow these simple tips on how to extend the longevity and freshness of your flowers.

Guide and Care Tips to Flowers:

Clean your Vase

To prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses that can cause wilting and dehydration of your cut flowers, always clean your water vase thoroughly. Do not leave your vase dry without proper cleaning as these bacteria and viruses may kill your new bouquets. Use a quarter of warm water when cleaning your vase.

Change Water Regularly

It is necessary to change and add good amount of water from time to time to maintain the freshness and avoid dehydration and wilting of the flowers. This also helps avoid bad smell caused by filthy water.

Clean and Healthy Water

A little amount of sugar into the water helps nourish the flowers and boosts the opening of the blooms. An addition of a little amount of vinegar or lemon that is stirred properly helps hinder the growth of bacteria and viruses. This will also keep your flowers fresher for a longer time.

Remove Lower Leaves

There shouldn’t be any leaves in the water so dried leaves must be taken off from the stems and also never let the leaves touch the water. Eliminating these encourages the new stems to assimilate more water quicker and better. Keep your flowers fresh in a clean and bacteria-free environment, remove any foliage that floats but make your hands are clean too.

Use Sharp Knife to Cut

Do not use dull objects to cut the stems of the flowers as this can damage the tissue and can hinder its water absorption process. Also, cut the stems of the flowers an inch or 2 in an angle while these are under water for a faster water absorption.

Keep in Good Temperature

Do not put your cut flowers under direct sunlight to avoid the flowers from drying quickly. Display your flowers in a cool, draft-free place.

Keep Away from Toxic Environment

Flowers are also delicate from contamination like tobacco smoke and harmful materials, so these should be avoided to be in contact with radiation and poisonous outputs. A filthy surrounding situation destroys the flowers so you have to let them have new and clean air.

Flowers with Woody Stems

If you see roses in your bouquet, you can top up your vase with two-thirds of water. This flower has woody stems, and getting their share of water can be challenging. So, to balance the intake from petals and leaves, we cut any extra foliage off the stem.

Flowers with Soft Stems

Most spring flowers have soft and green stems. To keep flowers fresh, simply place them in a half-full vase. And remember to handle them with care, as they bruise more easily. Place the flowers in cold water. Since most bulbs bloom when the air and ground are still at low temperatures, they do better in a vase of cold water.